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Acacia Cultriformis

$110.00 (including GST)
Common Name:
Quantity of Trays:

PLEASE NOTE: Orders are by full tray only. Each tray contains 40 plants. When ordering, please choose how many trays you would like.


  • Bushy, medium to tall shrub. 
  • The triangular-shaped phyllodes (hence the common name) are crowded along the branches.
  • The size of the phyllode varies from 20 to 30 millimetres long by 6 to 14 millimetres wide and bluish green in colour.
  • There is a prominent gland on the upper margin.
  • The inflorescences comprise up to 40 very small staminate flowers carried in the globular heads. 
  • The heads, on some plants, are almost oval in shape. 
  • The heads are in racemes of up to 25 in leaf axils; bright yellow and cover plants in mid spring. 
  • The pods, that follow the flowers, are linear and up to 70 millimetres long.


  • Occurs on the western slopes of NSW. 
  • It appears to have several growth habits. Central NSW plants seem to be tall, upright shrubs. Planted specimens, near Tamworth, also central NSW, are rounded shrubs reaching a height of two metres. 
  • It has naturalise doutside of its natural range and is considered to have weedy potential. 
  • Plants are very daxxling when in full bloom and the grey sharply-shaped foliage also creates interest. It is very hardy on a range of soils. Grow in an open area in full sun for best effect. 
  • It can be a weed outside its natural range. Good garden practice can include cutting off seed-pods before they are mature. 


  • It can be a weed outside its natural range. Good garden practice can include cutting off seed-pods before they are mature. 




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