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Acacia Lineata

Common Name:

PLEASE NOTE: Orders are by full tray only. Each tray contains 40 plants. When ordering, please choose how many trays you would like.


  • 1. Spreading rounded shrub growing 1–4 m high and wide 
    2. Branchlets yellow or reddish, minutely hairy 
    3. ‘Leaves’ grey-green, 1.5–5 cm long, 3–7 mm wide, radiating around branchlets, variable in shape 
    4. Bright golden ball flowers in heavy clusters at branch ends; flower stalks stout, with minute golden hairs; flowering April to October 
    5. Seed pods straight or curved, 5–10 cm long, 4–9 mm wide, dark brown at maturity, may have a whitish bloom 
    Upright shrub growing to 2 metres, or forms a tight sprawling hedge up to 3 metres wide.
  • The phyllodes, which are modified leaf stalks instead of true leaves, are small (0.7 to 2 cm long) with a very prominent longitudinal vein and are tightly clustered along slightly hairy branches. 
  • The flower heads are either one or two, and are situated around the base of the phyllode and consist of 10-16 yellow flowers in small heads. 
  • The trunk is grey with small branches that are slightly resinous with hairs.
  • Flowers in spring between July and October. 


  • Its habitat is mainly in eucalypt woodlands, mallee or scrubland on low nutrient and high drainage sandy red earths and gravelly loams. 
  • It is an extremely frost and dry hardy species which grows on well drained soils.
  • Prefers sunny or dappled shade on well drained soils as with a low spaced over story like it would receive in a Mallee community. 


  • It makes a great garden ornamental plant for its densely bush-like qualities and showy flowers which in spring are absolutely breath-taking. 
  • Ideal for planting amongst low trees as it also provides a wind break and micro climate for inter planting other species. 
  • Great for habitat and refuge as its tight hedge like qualities provide shelter and refuge for small birds away from predators like cats.
  • Killed off when hit by fire; however due to its enormous seed bank many small seedlings will sprout up with weeks afterwards and within a couple of years the population will be back to normal.


Image Source: Flower - Fagg, M. via Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG)

Image Source: Plant Fagg, M. via Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG)