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Acacia Paradoxa

$110.00 (including GST)
Common Name:
Quantity of Trays:

PLEASE NOTE: Orders are by full tray only. Each tray contains 40 plants. When ordering, please choose how many trays you would like.

Prickly shrub. Gold ball flowers in spring. Well-drained soils. Tolerates dryness, lime & frost.

  • Prickly, erect or spreading shrub 2.5-4m high. 
  • Dark green foliage, fine thorns and finely fissured brownish-grey bark.
  • Flowering gold balls in spring.


  • 1. Occurs on a range of soils in a variety of woodland communities; commonly found in box-cypress pine woodlands 
    2. Extremely tolerant of drought, frost and wind 
    Dry shallow soils in higher rainfall areas or heavier soils in areas of lower rainfall. 
  • Withstands limited inundation, extended dry periods, alkaline and acidic soil. 
  • Very frost tender when young.


  • Fast-growing, lifespan up to several decades. Prickliness precludes grazing by livestock. May spread in some districts.
  • Regenerates from seed after disturbance such as fire. 
  • Useful low-level cover in windbreaks in districts where known not to spread.
  • Useful for controlling soil erosion due to soil-binding fibrous roots, and for improving soil fertility. Legume, improves soil fertility by "fixing" nitrogen.
  • Excellent habitat for wildlife. Very useful refuge and nesting sites for small birds.
  • Flowers are a food source for moths, butterflies and other insects. Insect-eating birds attracted. Seeds eaten by native birds, including parrots and native pigeons.
  • Attractive specimen for hedges, barriers, screening, tubs and as cut flower.
  • Harbours rabbits in some areas, necessitating rabbit control.




Image Source: Flower - John Tann from Sydney, Australia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons  

Image Source: Plant - Fagg, M. via Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG)