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jayfields nursery

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Callistemon Sieberi

$110.00 (including GST)
Common Name:
Quantity of Trays:

PLEASE NOTE: Orders are by full tray only. Each tray contains 40 plants. When ordering, please choose how many trays you would like.


  • 1. Spreading rounded shrub growing 1–4 m high and wide 
    2. Branchlets yellow or reddish, minutely hairy 
    3. ‘Leaves’ grey-green, 1.5–5 cm long, 3–7 mm wide, radiating around branchlets, variable in shape 
    4. Bright golden ball flowers in heavy clusters at branch ends; flower stalks stout, with minute golden hairs; flowering April to October 
    5. Seed pods straight or curved, 5–10 cm long, 4–9 mm wide, dark brown at maturity, may have a whitish bloom 
    A medium size shrub usually 3-5 m, however can reach to 8 m tall with fibrous bark.
  • Leaves are arranged alternately and are about 7 cm long, up to just less than 1 cm wide, linear to narrow lanceolate and have a small point at the end.
  • Flowers are a shade of cream to yellow, occasionally pink, in spikes on the ends and sides of branches which continue to grow after flowering and also on the sides of the branches. The spikes are to 5 cm long and 3 cm wide in with up 40 individual flowers. 
  • Flowering occurs mainly from Spring to Summer and is followed by fruit which are woody, cup-shaped capsules to 4 mm long.


  • An adaptable plant tolerating wet and moist soils in heavy clay. 
  • Will tolerate dry conditions once established. 


  • Hardy plant that can be used as a hedge and/or screen. 
  • Attractive to birds and insects.
  • Can regenerate from seed as well as reshooting stem buds and coppicing after fire.



Image Source: Flower - Melburnian, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons 

Image Source: Plant - Fagg, M. via Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG)