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jayfields nursery

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Eucalyptus Bridgesiana

$110.00 (including GST)
Common Name:
Quantity of Trays:

PLEASE NOTE: Orders are by full tray only. Each tray contains 40 plants. When ordering, please choose how many trays you would like.


  • Medium to large tree growing to 20m high with fibrous-flaky bark persistent on trunk and larger branches. 
  • Large crown of heavy green semi-glossy leaves.
  • White, late summer-autumn. Regular and profuse. Buds appear in summer and are carried for about a year.
  • Leaves produce red dye with alum as mordant.


  • Widespread, in most catchments and districts on the drier hills and slopes.
    Grassy woodlands on various soils. Commonly moderately fertile soils.
    Compact loams, below 800m elevation. 
    Tolerates frost, winter waterlogging and drought.
    Widespread, in most areas on drier flats and lower slopes. Found in hills of higher rainfall areas.
  • Grassy woodland on drier sites, often shallower soils on slopes, and creeklines in lower rainfall areas.
  • Well-drained heavy soils. Tolerates moderate frost and drought.
  • Moderate growth rate.


  • Useful medium-level cover in windbreaks. Excellent shade due to large spreading crown. Seems to tolerate pressure from stock camps compacting the soil and raising soil fertility. Nonetheless, fencing recommended to preserve trees and encourage regeneration.
  • Useful in gully erosion control as back-up to fibrous-rooted understorey shrubs.
  • Burns readily, but generally not regarded highly as fuel.
  • Excellent habitat. Flowers a food source for many insects, which attract insect-eating birds. Good nectar flows, favoured by bees. Yellow-bellied Gliders occasionally gouge through bark on trunk to obtain sap, and search for large wood-boring insect larvae. Squirrel Gliders and Sugar Gliders may obtain sap and insect larvae. Wombats occasionally dig down and chew roots. Refuge and nesting sites for many hollow-dependent birds and mammals.
  • Ornamental for larger gardens and parks, particularly in juvenile foliage stage.





Image Source: Matilda at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons